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In the dry herb vaporizer space there is actually 2 ways to heat up the dry herbs, Convection being one and conduction being the other.
Convection is the method of passing hot air through the dry herbs to create vapour that has a much lower chance of combusting the herb creating much unwanted and less desirable smoke vs conduction (essentially putting herbs into a hot walled oven).
So if combustion is what you are looking to avoid. In other words you want to lower the risk of any smoke which is known to not be the best for oneself and just get vapour. Sticking to convection or even hybrid vaporizers are the best choice.
The vapes in this collection are all either convection or hybrids. It only really is the likes of desktop vapes, the tinymight and the firefly that are 100% convection but vapes like arizer are 80% convection and most storz and bickel are much the same so we have decided to include heavy convection using hybrids in this collection also. Namely hybrids equipping themselves with ceramic ovens instead of metal ones to again lower the risk of any combustion (smoke)
So if looking for a pure vaping experience these convection vapes are for you.
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